Sunday, February 26, 2012

roasted rosemary Almonds

Ok I´m not in the mood for much words.. but you also would´nt if you could smell what I smell :). So here is the recipe for roasted rosemary almonds and smell the odour....
You need:
100 g almonds
100 g almonds without skin
1 good lug of olive oil
a bunch rosemary (= 2 Tbsp chopped rosemary)
1 Tbsp coarse sea salt
1 Tsp cayenne pepper
To prepare:
1. Preheat your oven to 200 C
2. Chop the rosemary; you should get about 2 Tbsp.
3. Toss together all the ingredients and the almonds.
4. Put the almonds in a quite big oven proved pan or directly on the oven tray
5. Roast for 12 min in the oven

And now....... let´s see how long this almonds will last


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